
Famous people in Kumamoto

Natume Souseki

He was a famous novelist in Japan. He stayed in Kumamoto because he taught English in Kumamoto University. He was wrote many novels before he died forty nine years old. His works are “Bottyan”, “I’m a cat”, “Sanshiro”, and “Kokoro”. They are read by many people now. I think his works is so difficult for me when I read them. Because he had an experience that he lived in Great Britain, I am interested in his novels.

Isao Yukisada

He is a movie director. He was born in Kumamoto and graduated from Kumamoto Daini high school. Most popular of his works is “GO”. He became very famous because he made it. I like his movies. Especially, my favorite one is “Spring Snow” because I have ever read the original novel. This movie’s image and story is very good. I made my mind move when I finished to watch this movie. If you have a chance, you should watch it.

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